Thursday, September 9, 2010

Natural Healing - Good for some*

*but not for Christine

While Chris and I were out for our nightly stroll last night, a van approached us. The driver was the community's healer (a.k.a. the shaman). He told us that he had brought Skunk Oil to Slate Falls and Chris was the only teacher who hadn't done it yet. So Chris and I wandered over to the band office to give it a go.

Skunk Oil - literally the liquid that is contained in the "stink glands" of skunks. You trap them, remove the glands and PRESTO! Skunk Oil. The medicinal value of the oil is similar to the modern flu shot. It is said to clear out the sinuses, prevent fevers and stop colds. I was really excited to try it, while Chris was a little hesitant.

Before we took the skunk oil, however, the healer and his sister (I think that was their relationship) sat down with us and discussed some of the issues in the community regarding the quality of the water, the sewage issue and the dump contamination issues. Fortunately I went to school for these type of issues, so hopefully I can help one day if they need a technician to run tests. We also talked about issues in the home such as the chemical pollutants we bring into the home with all our Febreeze, Lysol, Javax and other cleaners the make our air toxic. Basically I'll be buying and cleaning with vinegar whenever possible from now on I think.

Chris and I also got some natural medicines for things like asthma (cure - marshmallow root), kidney/bladder cleansing (cure - peppermint) and a general cleanse before starting our diet (cure - 7 barks from the forest).

Anyways, back to the skunk oil. We took the capsule full of the REALLY SMELLY oil at 8pm. They warned us that we would burp a lot over the next 4 hours and it would smell like skunk. Chris was burping, but I only let out a few. Slowly I started feeling slightly "off", I was getting queasy and my head started hurting. By 9 o'clock I had lost my entire dinner, and the skunk oil, in the toilet. I was sicker than a dog. Chris was the sweetest though, holding my hair and rubbing my back. He gave me some Gravol and sent me to bed.

But I'll always love Pépé le Pew!
Obviously me and skunks just don't get along.


  1. wow that sounds so interesting and gross at the same time? What is the diet cleanse like? How is Chris taking to it?

  2. raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr


  3. I would say that the diet cleanse (the tree bark) is pretty mild. I think it's more of a gentle cleanser if anything. There are no physical "side-effects" yet but Chris seems happy and healthy. He's only drank about 2 cups so far - out of 24 cups. Check back in a week or something. All the best love xoxo p.s. I want to talk soon!
